Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in the papers, documents, or presentations hosted on this site are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the Views of the Golden State College, or the SRICF.
Our Papers Presented Are Listed Below
Our Our GSC SRICF Public Website
Constitution of The High Council Societas Rosicruciana in CivItatibus Foederatis
As amended through November 6, 2021
Ad Lucem - Table of Contents - Paper Titles - 1996 thru 2024 (12/2/24)
The Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia Website Home Page
The Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia is the oldest independent society of Rosicrucian Freemasons in the world, its members being Master Masons of Lodges recognized by the United Grand Lodge of England.
Includes a Map that includes SRIA, SRIS, SRICF, and SRIL College Locations Internationally. SRICF Colleges in the USA are currently identified by individual states and are being changed to actual College names and city locations.
Societas Rosicruicana in Anglia (SRIA)
Societas Rosicruicana in Scotia (SRIS)
Societas Rosicruicana in Civitatibus Foederatis (SRICF)
Societas Rosicruicana in Lusitania (SRIL)
Angels and Atoms: The Rosicrucian Ideal - A Presentation on Rosicrucianism to a Lodge Group
By W. Bruce Renner, IX°, KGC, Junior Deputy Supreme Magus, High Council SRICF, Received May 23, 2021
His Email, His Paper, and His PowerPoint Presentation.
New York College Quarterly Newsletters (12/8/23)
New York College SRICF Newsletter Summer 2023
New York College SRICF Newsletter Spring 2023
New York College SRICF Newsletter Winter 2023
New York College SRICF Newsletter Fall 2022
New York College SRICF Newsletter Summer 2022
New York College SRICF Newsletter Spring 2022
New York College SRICF Newsletter Summer 2021
New York College SRICF Newsletter Spring 2021
Other Papers from Other Sources
"Conservation of Life Energy" by Frater John Donohoo II°, dated Nov. 17, 2018, presented at Florida College SRICF. Published with his expressed permission. Contact information available upon request.
Papers from Alabama College (Received in February 2016)
Papers from All SRICF Colleges (Collected from the High Council Website in February 2017)
Burlingame Lodge No. 400 Virtual Lecture: The Holy Grail & Freemasonry, Video 1 hr 56 min - A Zoom Lecture presented on April 20, 2021
Notes taken by a member including copies of all of the slides in a PDF file.
Metropolitan Study Group of the Metropolitan College No. 1 of the Societas Rosicruciana In Anglia (MGS SRIA)
The MSG SRIA is an open forum and we welcome all individuals, men and women, who are interested in exploring the deeper mysteries of Nature, Science and Truth.
We meet on the 3rd Saturday of the month, physically in Hampstead, London. All of our meetings can also be accessed Virtually, and we host attendees from many countries.
If you would like to attend any future meetings, please contact our Suffragen and Director of Studies, Cheyne Towers: heartmindtherapies@yahoo.co.uk
SRIA Pamphlet June MMXXII (6/27/22)
SRIA Digital Pamphlet June MMXX (6/19/20)
Audio recording (50 min) of their Zoom Webinar that was held at 2:30 PM London UK time on June 19, 2020
Listing of all of the emails of Meetings, Papers, and Recordings of the MSG SRIA received since joining in June 2020..
The Brotherhood of the Essenes The Light of the Animal Kingdom
Now opening the gate (on June 21, 2020) for new members internationally. Apply at convocations@essenes.org
For further Information contact info@essense.org
Presentation about the Ordre Martinistes Souverains Grand Council S:.I:. PDF 236 slides 9.13.21
Presentation made by Bro. Paul Edward Rana Via Zoom from Brazil and Texas
Additional notes are also available.
Philologi Societas with Additional Notes March 2011
Our Papers Presented
Our Study Group References (12/15/23)
Are We Bound By Fate?
By Frater Casey G. Lowe IV Grade (11.17.24 in Woodland)
Published in Ad Lucem XXVII 2024.
The Origins of Santería in America
By Frater Luis J. Montero IV Grade (11.17.24 in Woodland)
Four Entered Paradise - The Four Levels of Freemasonry [Members Only Private Paper]
By Frater Peter Cardilla, IV Grade (11.17.24 in Woodland)
A Written Experience of Union with Heaven
By Frater Patrick Bailey IX Grade (Presentation Delayed from 11.17.24)
The Use of Entheogens in Masonic and Other Ritual Ceremonies
By Frater Patrick Bailey IX Grade (Reference Paper for 11.17.24)
What About That Number 6 Million?
Submitted to the GSC SRICF Newsletter 2025, and to be submitted to Ad Lucem
By Frater Patrick Bailey IX Grade (10.24.24)
What About That Number 6 Million? - Supplement
Supplement paper as referenced in the above paper.
By Frater Patrick Bailey IX Grade (10.24.24)
By Frater Mike Perry IV Grade (9.1.24)
Slides Presentation (PDF)
The Fylfot Cross and the Medicine Wheel [Member's Only Private Paper]
By Frater Robert Strohmeyer V Grade (5/26/24)
A Divine Attribute [Member's Only Private Paper]
By Frater Peter Cardilla IV Grade (5/26/24)
The Evidence of a Rewritten History: An Exploration of Cataclysms and Historical Manipulation
By Frater Michael McKeon VII Grade (5/26/24)
What Is Free Masonry - A Masonic Scaffolding [Member's Only Private Paper]
By Frater Michael Stetka VII Grade (5/26/24)
Golden State College Newsletter Feb 2024
From The Editor - By RW Joseph Dongo, IX
From The Celebrant, By VW Bud Ramsey, VII
Are you Familiar With The Masonic Blue Slipper? - By David Kampschafer, IV
The Wolfgang Lochner Files, Report - By RW Patrick Bailey, IX
Fountain of Truth - By RW Ed Fentum, IX
Elisha And The Two Bears - By Peter Cardilla, IV
In Plain Sight - By Bro.James Dimmitt, Washington Lodge #20
Boundary Theory and the Masonic Rosicrucian Society - By RW John Cooper, III, Ph.D., IX
Vanity is The Ultimate Illusion - By Dinesh Chhabra, IV
Life And Death - By Dinesh Chhabra, IV
Roman Rite of Mithras, Christianity And Freemasonry - By RW Ed Fentum, IX
What is Ritual
By Frater David Kampschafer IV Grade (2/25/24)
On the Design of the Standard of the Grand Lodge of the State of California (Coming)
Faith, Hope, and Charity
For Reference - A recent epistle from the 59th Imperator of FAR+C (Daniel Caro) - Views on Life and Reincarnation (11/20/23)
The Four Cardinal Virtues
The Wolfgang Lochner Memorial Library – Report by Frater Patrick Bailey IX°
ANNOUNCING THE PHILOLOGI SOCIETAS - Information and Rules from NY College
How to Become a Heretic - An Introduction to Marcion Studies
A Study About John The Baptist
The Four Worlds of the Kabbalah in the Zelator Grade [Members Only Private Paper]
When God Abandoned Rome
Deep Beneficial Effects of Certain Music Compositions
An Example of the Purpose of Our College – Three New Laws Found Outside of the Cave
Ciphers Cards and Cubes Hermeneutics and Symbolism in Free Masonry In Two Parts
The Templar Seal
2021 English Illuminati - Summary Book Report - Including the History of the Order of the Illuminati and the Mysteries of the Illuminati - Plus the Revealed Illuminati Rituals and Ordinances, Book Review
William Shakespeare and the Possibility of Encoded Information in Freemasonry’s Earliest Documents
The Legal Affidavit: In Case of Being Released from the Physical Body (Death), and A PDF File
The Ascent of the Planets: Clavis ad Mysterium Alchimiae [Member's Only Private Paper]
Freemasonry and the Ancient Art of Memory - By Dr. Christopher McIntosh (live from England)
The Curious Case of the Second Degree
A Study of Ancient Architecture
The Liturgy of the Letter G
Speculative Indian Alchemy – The Science of Rasayana
The Nag Hammadi Manuscripts - A Fresh Look at Their Origins
A Rosicrucian Goal – An Understanding of Real Alchemy and Manna - By Frater Patrick Bailey IX° (See below)
The Primitive Religion - By Frater Jonathan Prestage V° (Not yet received)
June 17, 2020 Golden State College Newsletter June 2020
A Rosicrucian Goal – The Understanding of Real Alchemy and Manna
The Christian Alchemist Interpretation of The Holy Trinity
A Prelude to a Study of Ancient Architecture By Frater Michael McKeown VI° (6/17/20) Zerubbabel and the Second Temple - June 2020
May 31, 2020 The Voice of God in the Cosmos Alistair Lees, English Illuminati - PPT Golden State College Paper Submitted for the Next GSC Meeting 2019 In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen. Numinous Masonry The Role of the Acacia in Initiatic Experience A Rosicrucian Ritual of the Noble Knights of the Golden Cord: An early American expression of Freemasonry rediscovered, Published in Ad Lucem XXIV, 2018 pages 62-98 GSC Secretary Duties, A Guide for Reference Final Word on the Incommensurability of the Ego and Dielectricity 2018 The Tattwas: Rudiments of Nature (PPT) The Order of the Asiatic Brethren (Coming after public publication...) [Contact the Author] Invitation to Join an Alchemy Group Via BCC Email and A Private Group to Create and Obtain the White and Red Philosophers’ Stones Our Zelator Rug Bonaventure, Masonry, and The Soul’s Journey into God Plotinus and the Principal of Incommensurability The Alchemy of Masonic Initiation [Member's Only Private Paper] That Religion That All Men Agree Was the Apostle Paul a Gnostic? 2017 Alchemy and Initiation [Member's Only Private Paper] Alchemy and The Kingdom of God (PPT) Nature's Way [Member's Only Private Paper] Masonic Core Values: Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth The Harbinger, The Ancient Mystery That Holds The Secret of America’s Future - Book Review Noetic Science and the Principles of Freemasonry A Discussion of the Allegorical Nature of the Second Section of the Third Degree [Contact the Author] 2016 This Is Not A Day Care - This Is A University! The Traditions of Freemasonry as Practised in California A.D. 2016 The Science, Philosophy and Religion of the Second Degree [Member's Only Private Paper] Gestalt Psychology Theory, The Collective Unconscious, And The Masonic Initiatory Progressive Science [Member's Only Private Paper] Interpenetration of the Observable Space Masonic Silence The Art of Intention What is Rosicruicianism? 2015 Definition and Meaning of I N R I (Updated) The Promise of Masonry [Contact the Author] Neoplatonism and Theoricus [Contact the Author] The Masonic Apron – Geometric Foundations The Masonic Symbolism of the Knife, Fork, and the Spoon [Contact the Author] Matching the Method to the Message The Theology of Christian Cabala Elijah and Ezekiel in Masonic Ritual 2014 I HAVE IT! The Big Fat Surprise: A Book Review SRICF and Masonry [Contact the Author] Fifteen [Member's Only Private Paper]
What Can We Do to Educate Our Members? [Contact the Author] Reflections on ‘The Christ Nature’ in Masonry by Examination of Particular Sources of Masonic Ideals The US Constitution and War and Emergency Powers The Secrets of the Monad Search for the Truth 2013 Reviewing the Jewel of the Society: A Continued Study The Design of the SRICF Jewel: A Geometric Construction Mind, Body, and Soul The Hindu Monotheist MFKZT and the Three Articles on ‘The Liverpool Masonic Rebellion and the Grand Lodge of Wigan’ 2012 Mystery [Contact the Author] A Mormon in the White House? Freemasonry and Kabbalah - Solomon Ibn Gabirol: A Visionary Rosicrucian or Ka(Ca)bbalist [Contact the Author] 2011 New Symbolism of the Fourth Degree [Contact the Author] The Four Cardinal Virtues [Contact the Author] A Symbolic Interpretation of Noah and his Ark Discovering Neo-Platonism in Theoricus [Contact the Author] 2010 Hermeticism [Contact the Author] Transformation of the Molecular Structure of Water [Contact the Author] The Pragmatics of the Second Ancient Reintegration [Contact the Author] THE COMPASSES - From the Square to the Compasses The Language of Alchemy as a PowerPoint *.pptx file 2009 The Influence of the Florentine Academy of Mario Ficino upon the Rosicrucian Tradition, Published in Ad Lucem XIV, 2009, pages 31-40
Pillars of Beauty - An Aesthetic Tradition [Contact the Author] Divestment [Contact the Author] Joseph Campbell and the Legend of Christian Rosenkreutz Solve et Coagula: Alchemical Symbolism of the Double-Headed Eagle Book Report: "The Masonic Myth: Unlocking the Truth About the Symbols, the Secret Rites, and the History of Freemasonry" (His Book) 2008 About Peter Kingsley's Book: "Reality" [Contact the Author] The Mystic Circle - A Personal Perspective Definition and Meaning of I N R I Immanence and the Place of the Heart [Contact the Author] A View of Masonic Sacred Geometry - Revised To Stand in the Symbolic Center [Contact the Author] Solomon and Sheba [Contact the Author] 2007 Book Review: "Dark Mission - The Secret History of NASA" The Stone Which the Builders Refused On the 1st Degree [Contact the Author] On the Use of the Golden Rectangle [Contact the Author] Is There an Esoteric Masonry? 2006 The Templar Temptation: The Knights Templar - Yesterday and Today A Brief Study of the Rose Cross Symbol 2005 Catholism v. Freemasonry – Joseph Ratzinger and the Return to Absolutism [Contact the Author] The Ku Klux Klan, A Critical Review Book Review: "The Free Energy Secrets of Cold Electricity" The Ashlar and the Spiritual Craftsman [Contact the Author] 2004 The Sacred Pentagram Esoteric Significance of the White Lambskin Apron A View of Masonic Sacred Geometry (Revised above: January 9, 2008) The Empyrean Realm A Video: Rosslyn Chapel [Contact the Author] Kabbalah [Contact the Author] Rosicrucian Angelology A Video: Templar Renaissance [Contact the Author] 2003 Symbolic Keys of the Rosicrucian Ritual" the Rosicrucian Tradition", Published in Ad Lucem X, 2003, pages 3-19 2002 The Light - The Fire Within [Contact the Author] 2001 The Influence of the Florentine Academy of Marcilio Ficino upon the Rosicrucian Tradition. Presented at the California College SRICF, July 1, 2001.
1996 Our Ancient Friend and Brother, the Great Pythagoras, Published in Ad Lucem IV, 1996, pages 52-59
A Qabulistic Analysis of the Ancients’ Stations in the Zelator Degree Our Ancient Friend and Brother, the Great Pythagoras 1995 The Foundation and Content of the Rosicrucian Manifestoes: A Brief Commentary Other Presentations and Unknown Presentation Dates The Alchemist The F.A.R.+C and the Modern Alchemical RevIval in Europe Masonic Symbolism of the Arithmetical Number Five and Its Plane Geometric Construct the Pentagram and Solid Geometric Construct the Dodecahedron
By Frater Joseph Dongo IX° (8/23/23)
PowerPoint Presentation (Coming)
By Frater Scott Morrison Jr. IV° (8/23/23)
PowerPoint Presentation
Provided by Frater Robert Word (11/16/23)
Part 1 in French
Part 1 Translated into English
Part 2 in French
Part 2 Translated into English
By Frater David Kampschafer IV° (8/27/23)
By Frater Patrick Bailey IX° Librarian (8/30/23)
Rosicrucian 49.1 GB - Wolfgang Lochner TOC- Excel File by Frater Patrick Bailey IX° Librarian
As received from NY College (7.21.23)
By Frater John L. Cooper III IX° (5/26/23)
By Frater W. Bruce Pruitt IX° (2/26/23) Updated with Paintings
PowerPoint Presentation
By Frater Bob Strohmeyer IV° (2/26/23)
By Frater John L. Cooper III IX° (8/28/22, Updated 8/31/22)
PowerPoint Presentation
By Frater Patrick Bailey IX° (From the Minutes of 5/22/22)
By Frater Patrick Bailey IX° (5/22/22)
By Frater Michael Stetka V° (5/22/22)
By Frater Chris Franceschini, V° (May 23, 2021) (Released as a Public Paper May 12, 2022)
The Legal Affidavit: In Case of Being Released from the Physical Body (Death), and A PDF File
From The Rosicrucian Fellowship, Oceanside, CA
By Frater William J. Miklos III, VIII° (2/27/22)
By Frater Patrick Bailey IX°, Librarian and Webmaster
August 22, 2021, Stated Business Zoom Meeting
PowerPoint Presentation
By Frater Michael McKeown VII°, Conductor (May 23, 2021)
By Frater Chris Franceschini, V° (May 23, 2021) [Contact the Author]
From The Rosicrucian Fellowship, Oceanside, CA
By Frater Lorenzo Ramos, V Grade (2/28/21)
By Frater Bill Miklos VI°
November 15, 2020, Stated Business Zoom Meeting
PowerPoint Presentation
By Frater Michael McKeown VI°
By Frater Michael Stetka IV°
July 26, 2020, Invitational Zoom Webinar Meeting 2:00 PM
By Frater Lorenzo Ramos V°
PowerPoint Slide
A Reference from Frater Word
A Video of SadhGuru working with solidified mercury
ByFrater John Cooper VIII°
PowerPoint Presentation
Reference Papers
Rethinking the Origins of the Nag Hammadi Codices, by Lewis and Blount (2014)
The Church of the Martyrs in Egypt and North Africa, Barkman (2014)
Early Egyptian Monasticism Ideals and Reality, or, the Shaping of the Monastic Ideal, Sheridan (2015)
June 28, 2020, Annual Convocation Zoom Meeting 2:00 PM
Released June 17, 2020
By Frater Patrick Bailey IX° (6/17/20)
PowerPoint File Slides Presented on June 28, 2020, Annual Convocation Zoom Meeting
By Frater Isaac Dikeocha IV° (6/17/20)
"The Golden State College Study Group and the 'Primitive Religion'" [Not yet received] By Frater Jonathan Prestage IV° (6/17/20)
June 13, 2020
By Frater Steven R. Goad VIII°, Past Grand High Priest (2016) and Grand Lecturer of the Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons of the State of California (6/13/20)
Royal Arch Presentation Webcast by Petaluma Chapter #22 Royal Arch Masons
California Colleges S.R.I.C.F. Webcast Paper Presentations
"Knight Rose Croix and Its Inner Order", R. Stephen Doan VIII°, Magister Templi, California College, Past Grand Master of Masons in California (5/31/20)
This is part of a larger paper which will be published. So this paper will be made available later in December or by March 2021.
By Frater Dr. Stephen D. Hale IV°, Concordia College (5/31/20)
By Frater John L. Cooper, VIII°, Golden State College, Past Grand Master of Masons in California (5/31/20)
The Ancient Square and Compass As Defined by the Pentagram and Sacred Geometry
By Frater Patrick Bailey IX° (5/31/20)
By Frater Edgar Fentum IX° (11/17/19)
By Frater Richard Pullen IV° (8/25/19)
By Frater Michael McKeown VI° (8/25/19)
By Frater Thomas D. Worrel VIII° (6.3.19)
By Frater Patrick Bailey IX° (5.25.19)
By Frater Michael McKeown VI° (2/24/19, originally scheduled 11/18/18)
By Frater Lorenzo Ramos, IV° (11/18/18)
By Frater Aaron French, V° (11/18/18)
PowerPoint File Slides
By Frater Patrick Bailey, IX° (8/26/18)
PowerPoint File Slides
By Frater Patrick Bailey, IX° (8/26/18)
PowerPoint File Slides
By Frater Tom Ellison, IV° (8/26/18)
By Frater Michael McKeown, VI° (2/25/18, originally scheduled 11/19/17)
By Frater Thom Pryor, V° (2/25/18)
PowerPoint File Slides
By Frater William Miklos, V° (2/25/18)
By Frater John Cooper III, VIII° (2/25/18)
By Frater Aaron French, V° (11/19/17)
By Frater Patrick Bailey, IX° (11/19/17)
By Frater David Thomas, IV° (8/27/17)
By Frater Thomas Ellison, IV° (8/27/17)
By Frater Patrick Bailey, IX° (8/27/17)
By Frater Howard (Bud) Ramsey, IV° (5/28/17)
By Frater W, Bruce Pruitt IX° (5/28/17)
Article by Dr. Everett Piper, President, Oklahoma Wesleyan University
Read by Frater Patrick Bailey, IX° (11/20/16)
By Frater Steven Goad, IV° (11/20/16)
By Frater William Miklos, V° (11/20/16)
By Frater Chris Franceschini, IV° (8/28/16)
PowerPoint File Presented
By Frater Michael McKeown, IV° (8/28/16)
By Frater Chris Franceschini, IV° (5/1/16)
By Frater Jonathan Prestage, IV° (5/1/16)
By Frater Gregg Hall, IV° (2/28/16)
By Frater Daniel Doornbos, VII° (12/17/15) (Update received to paper presented on 11/23/08]
By Frater Michael McKeown, IV° (11/22/15)
By Frater Edgar Fentum, IX° (11/22/15)
By Frater Patrick Bailey, VIII° (8/23/15)
By Frater John Cooper, VIII° (8/23/15)
By Frater Bruce Pruitt, IX° (8/23/15)
Published in the Knight Templar Magazine, April 2014 Issue, pages 10-17.
By Frater Isaac Dikeocha, IV° (5/31/15)
By Frater William D. Robertson, IV° (2/22/15)
By Frater Phil Hardiman, V° (11/23/14)
By Frater Efren Prado, IV° (11/23/14)
By Frater Scott Colcord, VII Grade (11/23/14)
By Frater Efren Prado, IV° (8/24/14)
By Frater Jonathan Dru Wood, IV° (8/24/14)
By Frater Patrick Bailey, VIII° (8/24/14)
By Frater Michael McKeown, IV° (6/1/14)
By Frater Dusty Deryck, IV° (6/2/14)
By Frater Evan Brewer, IV° (11/17/13)
By Frater Patrick Bailey, VIII° (8/25/13)
By Frater Efren Prado, IV° (8/25/13)
By Frater Thom Pryor, IV° (2/24/13)
By Frater Patrick Bailey, VIII° (2/24/13)
By Frater John A. Zacharakis, IV° (11/18/12)
By Frater Daniel L. Doornbos, IV° (2/26/12)
By Frater Alberto Rivas, IV° (2/26/12)
By Frater Daniel L. Doornbos, IV° (8/28/11)
By Frater dgar Fentum, VIII° (5/15/11)
Examination of the Zelator 1 Grade. S.R.I.C.F. [Contact the Author]
By Frater Edgar Fentum, VIII° (5/15/11)
By Frater Philip Hardiman, IV° (5/15/11)
By Frater Edgar Fentum, VIII° (2/27/11)
By Frater Edgar Fentum, VIII° (11/21/10)
By Frater Justin L. Mynar, IV° (8/15/10)
By Frater Philip Hardiman, IV° (8/15/10, updated 5/28/12)
By Frater Adam Kendall, IV° (8/15/10)
By Frater William J. Miklos, IV° (5/23/10)
The Language of Alchemy as a PowerPoint *.ppt file (Converted)
By Frater Jorden T. Yelinek, IV° (2/28/10)
By Frater Thomas D. Worrel VIII° (2009)
Also Reprinted in Ad Lucum XXIV, 2019, pages 104-114.
By Frater Adam Kendall, IV° (8/23/09)
By Frater John A. Zacharakis, IV° (8/23/09)
By Frater John L. Cooper III (5/31/09)
By Frater Gregory H. Peters, IV° (2/22/09)
By Frater Jay Kinney IV° (9/8/09)
By Frater Jorn W. Kroll, IV° (11/23/08)
By Frater Alberto J. Rivas, IV° (11/23/08)
By Frater Daniel Doornbos, IV° (11/23/08)
By Frater John A. Zacharakis, IV° (11/23/08)
By Frater Patrick G. Bailey, IV°, Second Ancient (8/22/04)
By Frater Shawn Eyer, IV° (8/24/08)
Published in Ad Lucem 2009, pages 11-29, published by the High Council, Masonic Societas Rosicruciana In CivItatibus Foederatis (S.R.I.C.F.); Secretary General, 10866 Butler Road, Newark, Ohio 43055-8852.
By Frater Shawn Eyer, IV° (2/25/08)
By Frater Patrick G. Bailey, IV°, Suffrigan (11/18/07)
By Frater Gregory H. Peters, IV° (/07)
By Frater Shawn Eyer, IV° (5/20/07)
By Frater Patrick Bailey, IV° (2/25/07)
By Frater Jay Kinney, IV° (2/25/07, Revised in 2009)
By Frater Jay Kinney, IV° (11/12/06)
By Frater Thomas D. Worrel, VII° (2/26/06)
By Frater William Arney, IV° (11/13/05)
by Frater W. Bruce Pruitt, IX°, Chief Adept (8/28/05)
By Frater Patrick G. Bailey, IV°, First Ancient 8/28/05)
By Frater Adam Kendall, IV° (2/27/05)
By Frater Gregory H. Peters, IV° (11/14/04)
By Frater Gregory H. Peters, IV° (9/3/04)
By Frater Patrick G. Bailey, IV°, Second Ancient (8/22/04)
Published in Ad Lucem 2007, pages 53-74, published by the High Council, Masonic Societas Rosicruciana In CivItatibus Foederatis (S.R.I.C.F.); Secretary General, 10866 Butler Road, Newark, Ohio 43055-8852.
By Frater Robert Word, VII° (5/23/04)
By Frater Bruce Pruitt, IX°(11/23/03)
By Dalton Noland, IV° (8/24/03)
By Frater Thomas Worrel, IV°(5/18/03)
By Frater Dalton Noland, IV° (2/22/04)
By Frater Thomas D. Worrel VII° (2003)
By Frater J. Soto, IV° (5/6/02)
By Frater Thomas D. Worrel IV° (7/1/01)
By Frater Thomas D. Worrel IV° (1996)
By Frater Robert Word, IV° (Presented at a meeting of California College held in Los Altos 9/28/96)
By Frater Thomas D. Worrel, VII° (Presented at a meeting of California College 2/3/96)
By Frater Thomas D. Worrel, VII° (Presented at a meeting of California College 5/25/95)
By Frater Dalton A. Noland, VII°
By Frater Robert Word, VII°
By Frater Stanley Bransgrove, IV°, on the Mill Valley Lodge #356, Mill Valley, California, website. [Contact the Author]